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Sponsored by Larkin Community Hospital
Research Services
South Miami, Florida


As background, Team 11 was originally formed during the COVID pandemic and provided invaluable research opportunities during these unprecedented times when sharing of information was critical. As a result of the purpose and connection, the members wanted to stay together and formed the Global Research Collaboration Network.

Recognizing the value of the program, Global Research Collaboration Network, also known as Team 11, Larkin Community Hospital sponsors the program and has integrated it into the Department of Research and Academic Affairs. The platform is open for everyone to bring any research and global health-related issues upfront to make a difference in the world and is free of cost. Team 11 creates opportunities to carry out research projects at both the local and international levels. From its inception, we have had more than 1400 plus researchers worldwide, including medical students, medical graduates, residents, and fellows with multiple successful publications who represent over 100 countries from every continent.

Team 11 is coordinated by Dr. Sujan Poudel who has organized them into areas of knowledge and expertise. Members are available to assist and guide residents, fellows, and faculty at LCH in development and publication of research and scholarly work. Additionally, the team member has an opportunity to learn and network with fellow physicians from around the world. This has been an exciting venture and is building a strong opportunity for the potential of international research. This is a very unique opportunity for the residents, faculty and fellows.

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