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Institutional Review Board (IRB)

What Is an IRB

An IRB is an administrative body established to protect the rights and welfare of human research subjects recruited to participate in human subject research. It protects human subjects who participate in observational or experimental studies or whose personal information will be examined by researchers. The IRB also protects researchers by preventing them from engaging in activities that could cause harm. The IRB legally protects the research institution from the liability that could occur because of research activities. By federal law, all human subjects research must be submitted for review to the IRB.

Larkin Health System IRB

Larkin Community Hospital has an established IRB Committee. Members of the community as well as the hospital serve on this committee. A draft calendar has been provided as a guide but please confirm exact dates with the department of research. The committee meets no less than quarterly to review IRB protocols. To ensure compliance with the FDA, an IRB manual has been developed which formalizes the operational process for all IRB research protocols done within the Larkin Health System. Please review the applicable section of the IRB Manual for specific questions or contact the department of research and academic affairs directly via email at irb@larkinhospital.com.

IRB Calendar 2023

Below is a list of draft LCH IRB meeting dates and submission deadlines for the year 2023. The IRB meets no less than quarterly, but more frequently if needed. Please confirm a specific meeting date if you have protocols which need full IRB review. Normally, IRB meetings have been scheduled for every last Tuesday of the Month starting February 2023 (except for December), with meeting times from 4 pm to 6 pm EST. Meetings will be held virtually (Zoom or WebEx). IRB submissions will be made available to the board no later than 7 business days prior to the scheduled meeting.

Month of the YearSubmission DeadlineMeeting Date
February 2023 2/17/202302/28/2023
March 20233/17/202303/28/2023
April 20234/14/202304/25/2023
May 20235/19/202305/30/2023
June 20236/16/202306/27/2023
July 20237/14/202307/25/2023
August 20238/18/202308/29/2023
September 20239/15/202309/26/2023
October 202310/20/202310/31/2023
November 202311/17/202311/28/2023
December 202312/8/202312/19/2023

Please be advised that the date provided herein pertain to both expedited and Full board reviews involving no more than minimal risk, minor changes to an approved protocol, and Clinical Trials per 45 CFR 46 and 21 CFR 56.

IRB Manual

IRB Forms to Submit Protocol for IRB Review

Once you have submitted your Form 610 to the research department it will be reviewed to determine if the protocol involves Human Subjects Research. If it does, you will be notified that your study needs IRB review.

At that time, to comply with federal regulations and with IRB guidelines, the Principal Investigator (PI) of the protocol is required to complete the following items: IRB Submission Form, Informed Consent Form)s) as well as copies of all research instruments such as questionnaires, survey’s, interviews, etc. After completion of these documents, submit this IRB submission packet to the Department of Research and Academic Affairs.

IRB Review Process Flow Sheet

The submission packet will be reviewed for accuracy and completeness. It will then be scheduled for IRB review at the next upcoming IRB committee meeting. Please note that the IRB meets no less than quarterly and you cannot proceed with your research protocol until after it has been approved by the IRB. Please plan so that your approval does not conflict with your research project implementation plan.

IRB Actions

The IRB can take several actions regarding review of your protocol. These include: exempt from review, expedited review or Full IRB review. The IRB reserves the right to postpone review of protocols at convened meetings due to incompleteness or needed revisions. A brief description of these actions is included below for reference.

  • Exempt: Includes reviews of existing data collections, specimens, documents as long as the patient data is not identifiable. It is reviewed by the IRB Chair or designated official.
  • Expedited: Involves minimal risk of harm or discomfort is no more than encountered in daily life, routine physical exam, or psychological exam. Clinical studies of drugs and medical devices when research is not a new drug application, or device is cleared for marketing and is in accordance with approved label use. Data collection noninvasive procedures employed in routine clinical practice. Materials collected solely for research purposes. Continuing review of previously done research investigation. Carried out by the IRB chair or designee.
  • Full IRB Review: When IRB determines risk is more than minimal, chair disapproves the research. When research is not complete within one year.

IRB Review Document

IRB Forms

The following forms are used for submission of your IRB protocol. Use a word processor to complete this form. You do not need to be concerned about where page breaks fall. You are to complete all BLUE sections. Be sure that all pages, including any appendices or attachments, except for consent/assent forms and advertisements, are numbered sequentially.

Do not approach subjects about being in the research study until you have received LCH IRB approval.

IRB Forms Used for Submission
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